Sunday, June 17, 2007

What Brings You Peace?

My second grade POP students did an excellent job answering this question as a Pedagogy of Photography project through personal props, creative writing, family interviews and art. I am so proud of their ability to profoundly express their individual realities and interpretations of peace, here in the South Bronx.

My Secret

My Secret


The boy putting his finger on his lip

My heart told me a secret
It makes me shy
The peace I have is my secret
I can't tell anyone




Saturday, June 16, 2007

Rover the Rugged Jeep of the Sahara Desert

My dad's wagner jeep brings me peace
because it carries me around the world
and it's really old.
My dad I named it Rover the Rugged Jeep of the Sahara Deserrt.
We called it Sahara because when we came up with the name
it was really hot.

Friday, June 15, 2007

My Pillow


It brings me Peace because it feels soft and comfortable.
It helps me sleep well.
It protects me from the sun when I hide under the pillow.
I always make forts with big pillows
and with little pillows.
My Dad plays with me inside the fort.

Thursday, June 14, 2007


Thomas is my good useful engine.
He is great!
He is all over the place!
Thomas gives me peace because I really love trains.
Thomas is my favorite train!
Thomas takes me places in my dreams.
I see lots of poor people asking for stuff.
I love them.
When I grow up I want to get money
And give them to old and poor people.


The NYC Blackout

The NYC Blackout was scary but fun.
I skated with my sister.
"It was in 2003."
We went to buy some juices, chips, water, and sandwiches.

It gave me peace because it makes me remember my family.
There was no noise.
We couldn't watch T.V. or turn on the light.
I was 6 years old when the blackout started.

Have you ever seen a blackout before?
The blackout was fun.
We used candlelight rings.
It was fun because we get to say outside
All night.


My Puzzle

My Puzzle give me Peace
because my Mom's Dad give it to me
when he moved and he came up to see me.
I miss him because we can't know where he lives.
My Mom doesn't see him anymore.
