Saturday, June 16, 2007

Rover the Rugged Jeep of the Sahara Desert

My dad's wagner jeep brings me peace
because it carries me around the world
and it's really old.
My dad I named it Rover the Rugged Jeep of the Sahara Deserrt.
We called it Sahara because when we came up with the name
it was really hot.


Anonymous said...

dear joshu my aunt has a jeep.

Katie DelaVaughn said...

Dear Joshua,

You are such a great artist. That is such a creative name for your Dad's jeep. Where is your favorite place that you traveled to in the jeep?

Unknown said...

I can see from your artwork that you are a very detailed thinker and worker. Continue drawing and looking at things in your neighborhood that are important to you, so that you can share them with people around you who might not see how great they are.
a fan,