Thursday, June 14, 2007

That Book

That Book brings me Peace because it shows Angels in the book
And they show dog Angels and knights too.
Wait until you see my picture Mom!



Anonymous said...

Dear Angel I Like What you picked
and I Like a Book too I read
Books all tha Day you know.
Why Did you pick it ?

this was by kiara

Katie DelaVaughn said...

Dear Angel,

Great job! I can tell you really love angels! Tell me why! I have a prediction. :) Can you remind me what "that book" is called? It is a very important detail to include but I like your title because you make the reader think about what book you are reading. We should have a guessing contest at the publishing party! :) Your mom is going to see your picture really soon!

Unknown said...

Angel: I really like you photo and your poem. I also like books, they bring me peace too! I am so curious about the title of your book. I think we should all have books that bring us peace.